Remote Viewing - F.A.Q.
Associative Remote Viewing and Remote Viewing - Frequently Asked Questions
What is self judging in ARV?
Judging is a very important part of the ARV process. Self judging is when the person doing the viewing then compares their session to the photos connected to potential outcomes to give it a score and decide which photo matches their session the best. Independent judging is when another person takes the viewers written transcript of the remote viewing session and compares it to the photos to see which matches and to give it a score. Both these are options in ARV as well as in other parapsychological/RV tasks and they both have pros and cons.
ARV is just one way to apply RV. Within ARV there are many different ways to carry it out. The ways to carry it out are called "protocols".
There are debates regarding the best ways to carry out ARV. Ultimately there are many considerations in designing and implementing the protocols, some more simple and some much more complex. Different managers and viewers have different goals and personalities and time schedules, all of which drive decisions and preferences re: how to utilize ARV. This is true of any psi related procedure whether in informal ARV trials carried out here or in formal scientific trials, related to ARV, RV and perhaps in all fields.
Some protocols/designs may not ultimately produce the best results, (or be ones that fit the personality or style of every individual viewer) but are the easiest to analyze and most feasible to carry out and that has to be a consideration in all applied work as much as is the desire to have procedures that produce results as far as showing evidence for psi, hits as opposed to misses, profits, etc.
The most important thing to understand is the association part of this process. In ARV, you aren't just being psychic and you are not just remote viewing an event directly, you are viewing photos attached to the various possible outcomes of an event. Even with that, some people use other things to focus on then just photos, but that's used today most frequently.
*article by Debra Lynne Katz
Displacement and ARV
One of the issues in ARV is that Remote Viewer had strong hits on both targets in binary Associative Remote Viewing trial. This means that RV-er described well both photos. In this article we're addressing this issue in a case when RV-er was self-judging in his ARV trial:
Well those photos you were self judging with weren't targets. They were photos that have nothing to do with the outcome of the event. I'm saying that even though one will be the same as the photo attached to the event, however the photos you are self judging against are not both targets, and I suggest you don't think of EITHER as targets. The target is what you see after the outcome. So pretend neither of the photos is the target, you are simply looking at which matches to these photos that are not targets and are not feedback (again who cares if one matches or not you can't think of it like that). You don't get to see ANY feedback till after the event which is way after judging was completed.
Bottom line, you have to psych yourself up and spend time BEFORE your session reminding yourself what matters most. Nothing in the whole world matters except your Feedback photo which will be shown to you after the event. If you are feeling excited when you self judge because you think: "Oh cool, at least now I get to see what I was looking at", you are very much in danger of displacement. That feeling of excitement means a stronger part of your being wants immediate feedback and thus your subconscious is looking at the feedback photo as premature feedback, not correct feedback. Until the event happens, and you are sent your photo, feedback does not exist. This is important to meditate on.
Even if you are not self judging but have an independent judge, if you are thinking, "Oh I hope my manager really thought my session matched a photo and what did they think?" then you are in danger of displacing. Don't care what your manager thinks until it's all over. You want your manager to think you did a fantastic job describing only the actual target connected to the outcome.
While it may not be insurmountable to get past in self judging, I personally suggest that you can make your own work easier by not self judging...there are plenty of groups that won't require you to self judge. Or you can keep challenging yourself...nothing wrong with that.
Also be careful about your desire for your manager to think you did a good job prior to the feedback. The more you connect with your manager or the judge, and wonder what they think about your session prior to feedback, the more you could tune into their thoughts.
Bottom line, all managers know everyone here is psychic. What they are looking for is which viewers here can actually view the CORRECT FEEDBACK PHOTO. If you have the thought, "Well at least I've proven here I am psychic and feel good about that" at all even though you missed the correct target, the process is being messed up for yourself and those in a group (if you are part of a group). I'm saying that because I was guilty of that for years, that I was just participating to get better at RV and was happy if I just saw I was psychic and could describe any photo.
The more connected I got with my feedback photo understanding that is all that matters in ARV and nothing else, the less displacement I had with independent judging. That connection starts before you do your session with what you tell yourself and focus on. At the time of your session (or before) Your focus simply didn't go far enough into the future when you saw the judging photos.
Then, make sure you are always sent your feedback photo when promised, in a timely manner and that distracting or confusing or complex protocols aren't given to you. If you are confused about the ARV process or the specific protocols your own manager is giving you (which may very well differ from that of other managers) and don't understand it 100 percent, you are in danger of displacement so ask your manager as many questions as you possibly can think of until you understand the protocols and process.
*article by Debra Lynne Katz
'What is a Feedback loop?' by Debra Lynne Katz
The way I see a feedback loop is a memory in reverse, or a reverse memory.
There are two points in time with memory and a precognitive time loop:
A) There is an experience,
B) There is the information produced in the mind related to that experience. (This can impact one on a subconscious level (feeling, body reaction) or register to the conscious (in the form of a vision, picture, color, sound, emotion, etc).
We think of memory as linear, we have an experience in one moment and then we remember it at a later time. The thought comes up sometimes as visuals, words, feelings, etc.
In precognition, particularly when we are remote viewing a future feedback photo within an ARV protocol, we are having a reverse memory, we are remembering that which we will see in the future, which is often a photograph.
Just like what happens during any one experience will impact a memory forward, in precognition/ARV, what happens later can influence the session earlier.
If I'm having a carefully planned family dinner and a clown jumps onto the table, I'm going to not only remember the family dinner as intended, but that clown. In a remote viewing session, if I'm focused on my feedback photo I'll see in the future, and then at the time I actually see the photo a clown jumps out in front of me, it's very possible the clown will have made it self into my earlier session.
Time went back and forth.
I use the clown example because it's dramatic, but another way of looking at this is what happens if I don't connect the two points in time at all, whether with a memory or with a feedback photo? There is a breakdown and the memory, either forward or background, will be weak, or even non existent or of the totally wrong thing. I can't recall the dinner if I never make it to the restaurant. Likewise, during an ARV session, if I never make it to my future feedback photo then I'll not have the earlier memory I needed to get during my session. If I'm awake I'll be focused on something, but not what I need to do.
What this means is:
1. You can increase the connection with your target by focusing on the point in time (both temporary and spatially) when you receive your feedback.
2. If you don't do this you could easily describe the wrong thing because you are retrieving the information for a specific "applied" purpose... to make a prediction
3. If something happens that shouldn't at the time of feedback, then you may describe the wrong thing. So you need to be careful and control these situations as much as possible.
4. Your remote viewing session AND your feedback session are two entangled points, both due equal attention, appreciation and affection.
So while the ARV process is somewhat complex, there are really only two points a remote viewer needs to be concerned about. I think of these points as both temporal and spatial.
Point A - The Actual Remote Viewing Session and point in time where viewer focuses on the intended target - which is the feedback photo (present time)
Point B - The Feedback Session, which is the point in time when the viewer see's the target, which is what they focused on in Point A.
We know that what happens at Point B can impact Point A. While we don't know how this works we see the effect of what happens when something goes wrong.
Here are some common things that can go wrong to break down the feedback loop:
1. Your manager forgets to send you the correct photo (so the loop is broken)
2. You are accidentally sent the wrong photo by your manager (the loop isn't broken if you later get your feedback but interference found it's way into the loop)
3. You are waiting for a photo to arrive in your email at a specific time and then someone else sends you a photo (same as above)
4. You have something happen in the same space at the time you receive your feedback photo (same as above).
Here are just a few examples from my own life: My session, in addition to matching the photo, has some strange mechanical items in it and these red balls. It turns out I receive my feedback on my phone when I am at a Robotics competition with my son involving robots throwing around these big red balls. You could call this displacement. But what this tells us is that I was tuning into the moment I received my feedback. Had I not looked at my phone/feedback at that moment, the balls and machines would not have been in my session. Thus the loop was intact.
Another occurred when I was a viewer in an experiment with two well known parapsychologists. I'm waiting for my feedback photo to arrive in my email. Instead, one of the researchers sends me a photo, that looks like the type of photo I'd get in the experiment, but it's of a location he's going to be visiting on a trip because I had asked him where he was going the day before. This is a strong match to my session. This essentially became my feedback photo as initially I thought that's what it was. My session doesn't match the correct photo at all when I finally get it back.
Another time I see a gate and lock and describe this in my session along with other impressions. At the time I am receiving my feedback photo I am in my car on my phone again (not a good idea). Even though I'm eagerly studying my feedback photo, my husband who is behind the wheel, tells me to get out of the car and go open the gate. I do so while looking at my phone and I look up to see the same image I saw during my session of my gate and lock.
*article by Debra Lynne Katz