My name is Igor Grgić. I'm Senior SAP Basis consultant (IT) and I work in one German IT/SAP consulting and software company.
In my free time I'm occupied with my true life passions. These passions include Remote Viewing (a.k.a. Nonlocal Perception / Anomalous Cognition), Dream Interpretation and other Psi phenomenon, and also Forex trading. My latest passion is studying original teachings of Kabbalah.
My involvement in Remote Viewing started in early 2014 when I took a home-based Remote Viewing class at one company trying to train new remote viewers. Soon after, I joined online RV community and organization called 'Applied Precognition Project'. Also in 2014, I formed my Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) group named P7B involving up to nine remote viewers. We were and we still are predicting outcomes to sports games and Forex market.
In my RV work I conducted and was involved in numerous ARV trials and ARV projects as a Manager, Tasker, Analyst and Trader. In last four years I analysed around 700+ ARV transcripts/sessions. I conducted test series using ARV software known as CAS (Computer Assisted Scoring) which was developed by Mr. Ed May, Ph.D., former director of US government-sponsored remote viewing project STARGATE. Also, I'm doing an exploratory ARV series in cooperation with parapsychologist Patrizio Tressoldi Ph.D., Università di Padova, Italy.
As a result of all my work with ARV I designed and developed a computer program to help me conduct and manage ARV trials. A quick ARV refresher: we normaly use Associative Remote Viewing for predicting an outcome of event through associating possible event outcomes with different photo targets and then using Remote Viewing to describe and sketch the target associated with what will be event’s actualized outcome.
In a typical ARV trial -- before developing of ARV Studio -- I did a lot of manual work to carry out steps needed for each trial. At one point I had nine remote viewers in my group and managing was getting very time consuming. Therefore, I decided to code a computer program to automate most of the steps and phases in a typical ARV trial, not just to save great amount of time when managing the group, but also to reduce the possibility of human error to zero, and also -- to keep a record of all the data, and to have all data organized on a computer.
ARV Studio is a result of managing my Associative Remote Viewing group known as P7B. Without the individuals who participate in P7B group as Remote Viewers, this software would never be developed.
Therefore, special thanks goes to:
Teresa Schnellmann, Jon Knowles, Carlos Mena, Mark Samuelson, Tom Cunningham, Loraine Connon, Michelle Beltran, Michael Straus, Diane Dyann and Zoltan Barta.
In 2017, I won a PARE award/grant (Parapsychological Association Research Endowment) for a associative remote viewing (ARV) research I'm conducting with my co-researcher and colleague Debra Lynne Katz. Patrizio Tressoldi Ph.D. (Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale, Università di Padova, Italy) has joined us as a statistician for this research.
2017 PARE Awardees:
"Igor Grgić, Debra Lynne Katz, and Patrizio Tressoldi study associative remote viewing (ARV), a specific application of remote viewing during which predictions about events or circumstances can be made. ARV is a method to access information that will only be known in the future, and it is commonly connected with predicting outcomes of financial and sporting events. Grgić and his team will be reviewing data from previously completed ARV trials. The researchers seek to understand what worked when predictions resulted in hits and what went wrong when predictions resulted in misses. Then, six independent judges and two teams of two working under blind conditions will repeat judging, scoring, and prediction methods of the previous trials with a focus on identifying and evaluating differences in judging styles and predictive decision-making, leading to a better understanding of what constitutes a “Hit” or “Miss” in ARV."
Your P7B group manager,
Igor Grgić