More information about ARV Studio
Benefits concluded after 3.5 years of research
ARV Studio software reduces ARV (Associative Remote Viewing) misses up to 10%, makes ARV sessions easier to analyze by 40% and reduces poor target pairing by 90%. Reducing ARV misses also implies reducing money loss (up to 10% for fixed wager amounts) while wagering on ARV predictions.
This is conclusion based on 3.5 years of research - collecting and analyzing over 600 ARV trials data.
How is ARV Studio reducing misses and poor pairing and making judging sessions easier?
Following observations that numerous poor ARV target pairings make session judging/analyzing more difficult, putting judges in a difficult decision-making position, the author developed ARVOPTIMAL, a powerful ARV pairing algorithm. This algorithm was designed to create conditions for performing at an optimal ARV accuracy level ('hit-rate') that reflects the remote viewer's current skill level and experience.
Poor target pairing is a significant factor in creating unwanted analysis difficulties and frustration, and consequently producing ARV misses.
Along with other factors, a poor quality binary ARV pair is considered:
When both photo targets include identical gestalt or elements like: water, natural elements, human/animal, building and other. This kind of pairing is not a problem for the viewing part of the process, but it's causing difficulties for the judge who is trying to determine which of two targets is a better match for the remote viewing session.
When one target's complexity and visual/physical entropy is not equal to the other target's complexity and entropy.
When targets are of poor resolution or have blurred or cut off parts thereby not allowing unambiguous identification of what the target actually is.
ARV Studio software eliminates such factors and has three-fold benefits:
Poor target pairing is reduced by 90% with built-in ARVOPTIMAL algorithm* (see below)
The judging process is much easier (up to 40%), as well as prediction calls
ARV misses are reduced up to 10% as a result of 1) ARVOPTIMAL algorithm* and 2) elimination of identical elements present in both targets
ARV misses are reduced up to 10% in comparison to usual pairing techniques which can produce good quality pairs but also up to 50% of problematic and poor quality pairs. ARV Studio software is packaged with only the best quality target pairings in an ever-improving target pairing algorithm which ensures dissimilar and opposite targets.
Creating a quality target pair takes time and patience and requires a certain level of experience based on years of observing ARV misses and suffering money loss due to poor pairings. ARV Studio enables you to create a quality binary photo pair with a single click, leaving you out of the pairing process so you can focus on your remote viewing session, knowing that the software selected the target pair for you in an optimal way.
*ARVOPTIMAL algorithm - Built-in powerful ARV target pairing algorithm which ensures blind and random selection of RV/ARV photo targets. The algorithm ensures dissimilarity of the selected photo targets, meaning that they are as different from each other as possible, thus creating the most optimal conditions for your best RV/ARV performance. This is available in full version only.
Version updates/news:
ARV Studio version 3.2. released (April-19-2021):
the built-in photo target collection designed specifically for the purpose of ARV, called the PREMIUM 1200 is extended to PREMIUM 1300 (100 targets added). Additionally, 50 photo targets from old collection were replaced with better targets. This will help to optimize the random target pairing algorithm, called ARVOPTIMAL. The algorithm is now able to further improve on dissimilarity of the randomly selected photo targets for each target pair. This consequently optimizes the remote viewer's ARV performance. With using 1300 targets, ARVOPTIMAL is able to create 358 thousand of different binary ARV photo target pairs.
ARV Studio version 3.1. released (May-20-2020):
create binary ARV tasks/trials (self-tasking and blind to the targets) and then sending automated email to independent judge to analyse your session. Video here.
ARV Studio version 3.0. released (December-15-2018):
Built-in feature which enables creating and handling of multiple binary ARV tasks/events at once. This means that any number of tasks/events can be run simultaneously. More details in this short video.
ARV Studio version 2.4. released (December-21-2017):
PREMIUM1100 is upgraded to PREMIUM1200 - new 100 unique photo targets added in the Full Version pool
ARV Studio version 2.3. released (March-24-2017):
New protocol based on Colors (Solo ARV mode using a color, not photo target, as your Feedback)
ARV Studio version 2.2. released (January-14-2017):
PREMIUM1000 is upgraded to PREMIUM1100 - new 100 unique photo targets added in the Full Version pool
The following are the limitations of the free Lite version: