Lottery ARV program

LOTTERY ARV (Windows PC program)

Software product: Lottery ARV (ver. 1.4)

Author: Igor Grgić

Copyright (c) Igor Grgić. All rights reserved.

This program is free. Click here to download.

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Lottery ARV - a 4 minute Video demonstration on Youtube. Watch here ->

Introduction to Lottery ARV

Lottery ARV is a simple, free and standalone MS Windows program designed to assist during the 'remote viewing' (nonlocal perception) process for predicting future Lottery numbers (balls) in games like: Pick2, Pick 3, Pick 4, Pick 5, Pick 6, Powerball, Mega Millions, Keno etc. Before mastering this skill to accurately pick all balls, it is highly advisable (by top Remote Viewer's in the field) to begin your learning and practicing process by first to accurately predict one/first ball only.

ARV (Associative Remote Viewing)

ARV is a methodology used behind this program and there is a need to understand the ARV procedure before you continue to make a prediction of winning lottery numbers.

Writing this User Manual was far more time consuming than coding this program, which is free, so bear with me and please study resources listed below if you are not familiar enough with this subject to be able to follow up methodology with understanding.

I will explain ARV & lottery method only briefly:

To directly 'remote view' or to sense future Lottery numbers is hard, so we use indirect targets to sense them, instead of numbers. These indirect sensory targets are tastes, smells, sounds, shapes, colors and other. Now, if you want to predict 1st number of 'Pick 3' lottery then you need to create a list of, lets say, at least 10 distinctive tastes (it's preferable to widen the list to 20 or 30 tastes). As you know, there are 10 possible outcomes for the draw of the 1st ball. These outcomes are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Next step is to randomly select 10 tastes from your list and then to randomly assign (associate) each of 10 digits with 10 tastes. Usual method for doing this is to use slips of paper and envelopes. This can take some time, and 'Lottery ARV' program does all of this with one click. Now, with you blind to the tastes selected and blind to associations with 10 digits, it's your job to sense what you will taste at some future time (a.k.a. the feedback time) after the lottery draw. Write down what you get and then check out what number corresponds to the taste you got. That number is your prediction for 1st ball of 'Pick 3'.

Let say you sensed „coffee“ and that the number „5“ corresponds to „coffee“. Your prediction for 1st ball is: five.

After the draw, you have to actually taste your food which corresponds with number actually drawn. If the draw is „5“ then you need to taste „coffee“. But, if you were wrong and the actual draw was „3“ then you need to look (in envelope or 'Lottery ARV' file) which taste corresponds with „3“ and then actually taste it. Voilà!

For those who need most complete and detailed understanding of the ARV procedure for using sensories like tastes, smells or sounds to predict future lottery numbers please check out resources like:

  • Short article titled „Fifteen Steps to Success! ARV for the Lotto“. NOTE: Steps 1 to 8 in this article you can automate with few mouse clicks using 'Lottery ARV' program.


  • E-book found on „Psyching Out the Lottery: A Simple System for Cultivating Your Intuition to Perceive Tomorrow’s Winning Numbers and More“

General information about ARV (Associative Remote Viewing) protocol can be found here.